

admin 2021-03-15 70
我可以触碰你吗(我不想去触碰你)摘要: Herotonight英雄的歌词是什么Wouldyoudance你愿意陪我跳舞吗?ifIaskedyoutodance?如果我邀请你跳的话;Wouldyourun你会被我吓跑吗?a...


Hero tonight英雄的歌词是什么

  Would you dance 你愿意陪我跳舞吗? if I asked you to dance? 如果我邀请你跳的话; Would you run 你会被我吓跑吗? and never look back? 并且永不回头; Would you cry 你会哭吗? if you saw me cry? 如果你看到我哭; And would you save my soul, tonight? 今晚你会拯救我的灵魂吗? Would you tremble 你会颤抖吗? if I touched your lips? 如果我触碰你的嘴唇; Would you laugh? 你会开怀而笑吗? Oh please tell me this. 请你一定要告诉我. Now would you die 在需要的时候,你愿意死吗? for the one you loved? 为你爱的人; Hold me in your arms, tonight. 今晚请把我拥入你怀里. I can be your hero, baby. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝. I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦. I will stand by you forever. 我会永远在你身边. You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸. Would you swear 你能发誓吗, that you'll always be mine? 你永远是我的? Or would you lie? 还是宁愿撒谎,不愿表白 ? would you run and hide? 跑开并躲起来? Am I in too deep? 我陷得太深了吗? Have I lost my mind? 我疯了吗? I don't care... 我不在乎这些. You're here tonight. 只要今晚你在这里. I can be your hero, baby. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝. I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦. I will stand by you forever. 我会永远在你身边. You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸. Oh, I just want to hold you. 亲爱的,我只想抱着你. I just want to hold you. 我只想抱着你. Am I in too deep? 我陷得太深了吗? Have I lost my mind? 我疯了吗? I don't care... 我不在乎这些. You're here tonight. 只要今晚你在这里. I can be your hero, baby. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝. I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦. I will stand by your forever. 我会永远在你身边. You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸. I can be your hero. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝. I can kiss away the pain. 我能吻去你的痛苦. And I will stand by you forever. 我陷得太深了吗? You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸. You can take my breath away. 你令我无法呼吸. I can be your hero. 我要做你的英雄,宝贝.


男人爱不爱身体最诚实 男朋友不爱你会碰你吗





  The way you move is like a full on rainstorm 你的每一个动作就好像暴雨旋风一般划过我的心上

  and I'm a house of cards 而我就像一座纸牌搭起的房子般脆弱,轻易的被你攻入

  You're the kinda reckless that should send me run 你是那种能让我不计后果迷上的人,我应该远离

  But I kinda know that I wont get far 但是我知道,我就像小磁铁一样离不开磁场

  And you stood there in front of me just 你就这样站在我的面前

  Close enough to touch 距离是如此的近,我可以触碰到你

  Close enough to hope you couldn't see 距离是如此的近,但愿你不能看清

  What I was thinking of 我正在想的事情

  Drop everything now 放下所有的事情吧

  Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中

  Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上

  Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我

  cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放

  Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心

  As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色,

  Something that'll haunt me when you're not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却

  cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放

  My mind forgets to remind me 我的理智忘记了提醒我自己

  You're a bad idea 你是一个容易让我入迷的坏念头

  You touch me once and it's 当你第一次触碰到我的时候

  Really something 我能感觉到,美妙的事情即将上演

  you find I'm even betterThan you imagined I would be你会发现我比你想象中的更美好

  I'm on my guard for the rest of the world 我对于外面的世界保持我的小戒心

  But with you I know it's no good 但是,和你在一起的时候,我却毫无防备

  And I could wait patiently but 我可以按捺自己的心思,耐心的等待

  I really wish you would 但是,我真的希望你会:

  Drop everything now 放下所有的事情

  Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中

  Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上

  Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我

  cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放

  Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心

  As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色,

  Something that'll haunt me when you're not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却

  cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放

  I run my fingers through your hair 我的手指穿过你柔软的头发

  And watch the lights go out 看着灯火就这样的消失在你的光



  Just keep on keepin your eyes on me 就让你美丽的双眼一直注视着我,

  It's just wrong enough to make it feel right 这样的错误,让我感觉如此美妙

  Lead me up the staircase 在微弱的光亮下,将我领上楼梯

  Won't you whisper soft and slow你会温柔的在我耳边说着悄悄话吗?

  I'm captivated by you baby 你已经彻底迷住了我的心

  like a fireworks show 如同烟火般灿烂于天际

  Drop everything now 放下所有的事情吧

  Meet me in the pouring rain 我和你约在瓢泼大雨之中

  Kiss me on the sidewalk 亲吻在街边的人行道上

  Take away the pain 将所有的痛楚都带离了我

  cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile 我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放

  Get me with those green eyes, baby 宝贝,你绿色的眼睛就这样得到了我的心

  As the lights go down 就好像绚丽的灯光都黯然失色

  Something that'll haunt me when you're not around 当你不在我身边的时候,有些东西会萦绕于脑际,难以忘却

  cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile我好像能看见,当你微笑的时候,火花正在绽放


一个男生说"我可以撩你吗 "怎么回答

  你就撒娇的回答 可以呀来嘛 多说几句他就怕了





作者:admin本文地址:http://jsg1407.com/msmh/10336.html发布于 2021-03-15
